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"Project 6000 Minutes seeks to build a more equitable society."

By conveying free financial education to Black, Latina, and other women from underserved communities, the large and gifted financial advisor community can become a force for positive change.

Project 6000 Minutes is an initiative to deliver critically-needed financial education to women of color. We envision a national effort that leverages the tremendously large yet underutilized body of knowledge that resides within the financial advisor community.  


Emerging from Constrained Investor, my effort to unify and transform the "Balkanized" landscape of financial services in the context of retirement income planning, it occurred to me that the financial advisor community could unite over a just cause: the building of a more equitable society through the empowerment of women of color.


While the financial advisor community is not yet sufficiently diversified in terms of race and socioeconomic status, it is diversified in its reservoir of knowledge. For example, each segment of the advisor community has developed specific areas of expertise and knowledge. Project 6000 Minutes serves as a unifying framework for financial knowledge where each segment of the advisor community is able to join together, enjoying a place of honor and importance, and able to contribute its specific and valuable expertise.


By focusing on a compelling human need- basic financial education for Black, Latina, and other women of color, the conflicts that exist within the advisor channels can be brushed aside, and a new era of respect and cooperation can be launched. The industry is large enough, dispersed enough and talented enough to materially impact a societal transformation. As President John F. Kennedy famously stated, "If not us, who? If now, when?"


 Please imagine with me what, over a short period of time, can develop with Project 6000 Minutes,


  • An insurer steps up to support Project 6000 Minutes. It communicates its support to its agents who are given a Project 6000 Minutes Implementation Kit. The kit includes everything the agent needs to  approach and communicate with local non-profits, community colleges, colleges and universities, places if worship and community organizations.

  • An ETF provider enhances its commitment to DEI by supplying Project 6000 Minutes kits to members of the RIA community.

  • A bank-owner broker-dealer support Project 6000 Minutes. It leverages its financial advisors to deliver free financial education to women of color across its footprint.

  • A mutual fund family strengthens its commitment to DEI by empowering broker-dealer representatives to engage with Project 6000 Minutes.


These are realistic examples that can be achieved quickly.  Project 6000 Minutes is now developing its education curriculum. We are targeting a 1/1/23 launch. Right now, we seek the support and participation of individuals and companies that wish to make a tangible contribution to building a just and equitable society, and who share the belief that education is the key to achieving that aim.


Please consider joining our mission to ignite positive change. Together, we can create better financial outcomes that reach every corner of America.



"By focusing on a compelling human need- basic financial education for Black, Latina and other women of color- the conflicts that exist within the advisor channels can be brushed aside, and a new era of respect and cooperation can be launched."

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Mission Statement

A Message from David Macchia

Founder, Project 6000 Minutes

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Constrained Investor is a registered trademark of Wealth2k, Inc. Project 6000 Minutes is a trademark of Wealth2k, Inc,
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