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"Latinx women earn 54 cents, Native American women earn 57 cents, Black women earn 62 cents...on the dollar of a white man."*
"By harnessing the skills, insights and talents of the nationwide community of financial professionals, we can materially and positively impact the lives of women of color. Education is , perhaps, the most vital element in empowering their growth and future success. The good news is we have a lot of great teachers who can support women of color in their local communities. The time to do this is now."
Financial advisors, we ask you to support Project 6000 Minutes. Take advantage of this opportunity to make a tangible contribution to building a more equitable society. In addition to the vital educational support you will provide to women of color, you will enjoy benefits in terms of your standing in your local community.
Think of the impact you can make by volunteering 2-hours per week, 6000 minutes. Your knowledge is a great gift that can be shared, it's impact extended over lifetimes.
Please email to signal your support.
*Source: Time's Up Foundation
Gender and Racial Inequity During Crisis: The Pay Gap

"A staggering reality."
Nearly half of women (48 percent) surveyed do not have a stable, good-paying job that pays the bills, allows for savings, and allows them to be healthy.
Half of women of color (52 percent) have less than $200 in savings,
Roughly half of Latinx (51 percent) and Black (48 percent) women do not have enough money right now to pay for basic needs like food and housing.
Source: Time's Up Foundation

"This cannot stand!"
"Single Black women have a median wealth of $200 and single Hispanic women $100, less than a penny for every
dollar of wealth owned by single White non-Hispanic men."

Source; Color Lines, Country Lines:
Race, Immigration, and Wealth Stratification
in America. NY: Russell Sage

"Single mothers who are Black or Hispanic have a median wealth of $0 and $50 respectively."
Source: Women And Wealth, Asset Funders Network

"Let's do something to build a more equitable society."
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